What is a MEZUZAH??

What is a MEZUZAH??

What is a MEZUZAH??   Mezuzah: (Lit. “doorpost”): A small parchment scroll upon which the Hebrew words of the Shema are handwritten by a scribe. Mezuzah scrolls are rolled up and affixed to the doorposts of Jewish homes, designating the home as Jewish and reminding those who live there of their connection to G‑d and their heritage. ALSO - An amazing work of art if you buy one of these beauties! Stay tuned, so many more gorgeous creations on the way.

Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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L'chaim! Circle Dance 'Flute' Goblet

L'chaim! Circle Dance 'Flute' Goblet

So proud of this new art! Painted images with melted glass, circle dancing, L'chaim! Created with the intention of uniting with joy.

Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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A wedding to remember!!!

A wedding to remember!!!

Is your wedding coming up? Or are you looking for a unique wedding gift for your friends or family's upcoming wedding? We have created an amazing Kiddush cup for weddings that can be be broken at the ceremony, and then the pieces are then sent back to our gallery to be re-assembled into a gift that is kept for life ! If you are interested in this awesome gift contact us and we can create one for you. Have a great week!!!
Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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Summer is heating up!

Summer is heating up!

Shalom friends!

Summer is heating up here at Sheva Chaya's gallery :)

Wishing all of you a great Shabbat / weekend from us here in Tsfat,

Stay tuned for more fresh paintings and glass-art!


Sheva Chaya

Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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Quick Update from Sheva Chaya's Gallery!

Quick Update from Sheva Chaya's Gallery!


We are having a very exciting summer here at Sheva Chaya's Gallery! So far this summer, we have had guests from all over the world. 

What a privilege to share with so many the beauty of glassblowing.

I wanted to share this fun interview that I did with Israel Daily last week. Enjoy!

Looking forward to more news and all the new and familiar faces here at the gallery Tsfat, Israel.

Enjoy summer wherever you are!

-Sheva Chaya


Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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You may be wondering, what is the point?

You may be wondering, what is the point?

What do I hope people get out of the 2016 Tzfat Glass Art Symposium?

Eyes and hearts refreshed with witnessing and participating in creativity.

Respect and recognition of Jewish artistic expression at its highest.

Building of community, of artists and art appreciators alike.

Spawning of new ideas for creative expression and collaboration.


To witness a level of hakel, of community coming together specifically this year.  Seeing worlds meet, interact, collide, move forward...

A breath of fresh air and relaxation in the mystical artistic village of Tzfat.

That where there is a will...there is a way...

Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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Glass-Fest in Tzfat ~ Feb 3-4~ Once in a lifetime opportuity

Glass-Fest in Tzfat ~ Feb 3-4~ Once in a lifetime opportuity

Have you heard of hashgacha and siata d'shmaya?

I had a dream to have the Maestro Gianni Toso to come to Tzfat and share his mastery of the art with art lovers, glassblowers, and anyone interested (or lucky enough) to see the highest level of the art in action.  I feel like I'm dreaming to see the dream come to fruition.  When I first met the maestro, even though I only saw him work for a few minutes of one day, my understanding and love of the material evolved beyond measure.  The maestro told me he would never come to Israel, that he had originally wanted to settle in Israel but was traumatized by trying.

Somehow, that didn't phase me.  I told myself, the next time I get a chance to visit the maestro, I better take it.  So I did.  Last year, when the opportunity arose to travel to the states, I made sure I would stay by Maestro Gianni.  I really wanted to have shabbas with him and his family, beyond seeing his mastery of the art.  I stayed for shabbas, we discussed a plethora of ideas and shared stories over the few days duration I was there.  The experience of being in the maestro's studio and seeing his perseverance as an artist, his ongoing thirst for "beyond" expression is really beyond description.  And I learned above all that the mastery of an art is never over, that there are always new frontiers to explore and conquer.

The other focus of that trip was to visit "Mount Krushmore", an enclave of super-talented glassblowers in Philly.  What I saw there rocked my world.  To see many high-level glassblowers working in a studio, together and independently, with top-notch facilities, was not only inspiring, it was life-changing.  The glass community can be very family-like, and my little taste of the Philly crew, including Marble Slinger, Coyle Condenser, and Germ, warmed my heart and convinced me that building community around glass needs to be a major focus.  I encouraged Germ to come inspire the glass scene in Israel as well.

Then came the idea for a glass festival.  

Somehow, with siata d'shmaya and hashgacha, both Maestro Gianni Toso and Germ agreed to be a part of this event.  Imagine, the grandfather of glass in our generation, Gianni Toso, and one of the leading artists in the new world of boro glass, Germ, sharing their work (in action!) in my studio is Tzfat. Beyond.  Those who are keen on witnessing and being a part of this historic event will surely be inspired to say the least.  

The idea of some of the greatest glass artists of our time coming together in my studio in Tzfat is a dream that is manifesting.  Thanks to hashgasha (divine providence) and siata d'shmaya (help from above)... we are blessed with a once in a lifetime experience coming our way.  If you want to hear the inner story and more, come join us at the festival! It's a certain type of stars in alignment you don't want to miss!! 

Glass-Fest in Tzfat.  February 3-4.  Sheva Chaya's Gallery/Tzfat Glass.  Don't miss it.   

To sign up and for more info click here



from Maestro Gianni Toso's sculptural glassblower series 

Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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West Coast US Hanuka tour and more....

West Coast US Hanuka tour and more....

Lots going on!
With thanks and amazement, we have finally launched a fresh new website. I so appreciate you loving and supporting my artwork! It means so much! Check it out: http://www.shevachaya.com/

Upcoming Hanuka tour~meet and greet artist and art sale:
Thursday Dec. 10, 8 pm central Seattlehttps://www.facebook.com/events/559269570892955/
Saturday Dec 12, 8 pm melava malka art chill at the Simon's in Seattlehttps://www.facebook.com/events/1082794521732390/
Saturday Dec 19, 7 pm meet and greet artist and art sale in Ventura


I'll be giving over the inside scoop on my artwork, some Hanuka Torahs, and a taste of eretz Yisrael...hope you can join! Feel free to share and let your friends know:)

...Glass Symposium the first week of February with Maestro Gianni Toso,Jeremy Grant-Levine Germ!, and more superstars on tap...
check it here and join the community (glassblowers and everyone else too!)


thanks for the love and light, back at you!

Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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The light of Hanukah!

The light of Hanukah!

36 hidden lights

We light 36 lights, there are always 36 hidden tzaddikim who hold up the world.  The new light of this year surpasses anything we have ever known before.  I "re"-fell in love with owls and therefore we have a new Hanukiah theme:

"Yishuv haDaat" Owl Menorah by Sheva Chaya

Why owls? Besides the fact that they are beautiful and spectacular examples of creation, the owl represents wisdom.  The light of Hanukah, reflecting a wisdom so deep it flows through on the level of simplicity, of light.  When I made this sculpture I saw the little owl was "sitting" in front of the lights of hanuka (therefore the name "yishuv haDaat").  We should be blessed with the sweetest light of hanukah filling our hearts and our homes, our loved ones and our world (all the worlds!).  

This and other one-of-a-kind hanukah menorahs available from Sheva Chaya, Tzfat Glass.


Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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ShevaChaya Glass Gallery





Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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Sheva Chaya Glassblowing Musings

Glassblowing is so mysterious.  The material transforms, flowing, filled with the light of the fire.  Ever since I started glassblowing, the art has intrigued me more and more.  I find the techniques hard to learn and yet so worth the effort.  The challenge is real.  Truly, the light and beauty that can come through makes it so worth it!!  Every day I get to blow glass is a good day, because there is nothing like doing something that you love.

Sheva Chaya Shaiman
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